Chain mail curtainsBeaded curtains metalAluminium chain link curtainsariAir DisplayMetal curtains with geometric patterns Metal mesh curtains in various colorsString curtainsFlame retardant textilesLightingsHigh end curtain rods

Metal curtains with geometric patterns

Squares Rectangles Variatex Orient Colours Hanging / Rail
Metal curtain squares Metal curtain rectangles Metal curtain Variatex Metal curtain squares Metal curtain colours Metal curtain hanging

Metal curtain Orient & Circles

Orient is a particularly atmospheric curtain in different designs

Metallvorhang Plättchen

These metal curtains are made of aluminium or stainless steel, depending on the desired finish.

Orient 1 Orient 2 Orient 3 Orient Mix Circle plain Circle mix
Orient 1 Orient 2 Orient 3 Orient Mix Kreise Kreise Mix
Stainless steel
1,56 Kg/m² 1,785 Kg/m² 2,115 Kg/m² 1,890 Kg/m² 2,350 Kg/m² 1,920 Kg/m²
polished, white, black, gold or bronze
1,070Kg/m² 1,290 Kg/m² 1,420 Kg/m² 1,290 Kg/m² 1,580 Kg/m² 1,320 Kg/m²
natural, gunmetal, bronze, gold, copper
Rings (stainless steel, welded): Ø 4 mm, resistance 25kg
Plates: Ø 40 mm
Open area